Name any diet. Paleo, Keto, Vegan, Grapefruit. They all can leave you deficient in nutrients. Even if you eat an organic Paleo diet everyday it is still hard to get enough nutrients from diet alone. Often, as a result of modern agricultural practices and pesticide use, food is not as nutrient dense as it should be.
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There are numerous other factors that will impact how well your body digests and absorbs nutrients in your gastrointestinal tract (which affects your risk for a nutrient deficiency). These factors include but are not limited to: stress, leaky gut syndrome, malabsorption disorders, pregnancy, alcohol use, toxin exposure, medications and the list goes on and on.
Nutrients are essential for good health and disease prevention.
How do you know if you have a nutrient deficiency? The best way to find out is to get your micronutrient levels tested. Here in our office, we use in-depth blood testing to evaluate the level of nutrients in your blood and in your cells (where they belong). Once we know what your nutrient levels are then we can create a customized plan for you with supplements, diet and lifestyle recommendations.
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that functions like a hormone in the body to perform a wide range of functions. It is able to tell genes to turn on or off. It is also one of the most important nutrients for immune function and cancer prevention. The majority of the population is deficient in vitamin D.
Vitamin D deficiency symptoms:
How to best increase vitamin D levels:
The best way to bolster your vitamin D levels is to get into the sun daily. The sun’s rays hit the cholesterol in your skin and convert it to vitamin D. This is also the body’s natural way of regulating cholesterol levels. Yet, most people are deficient in this simple nutrient because they spend their time indoors, wear sunscreen or cover their skin with excess clothing. If you’re not able to get adequate sunshine daily, start by taking a vitamin D supplement. Take 1 drop per day with food, or as directed by your physician.
Magnesium is another under-appreciated mineral that most individuals are deficient in. This mineral is especially important for cardiovascular health. Adequate magnesium is needed for brain, heart and muscle function. It is involved in over 300 reactions in the body. Low magnesium levels are associated with heart disease, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
Magnesium deficiency symptoms:
How to best increase magnesium levels:
Most foods these days are depleted of adequate levels of magnesium. The best way to significantly raise magnesium levels (if you are deficient) is to supplement with the right forms of magnesium. We recommend our Magne 5, which has five different highly absorbable forms of magnesium to boost levels. Take 2-3 capsules daily (at least an hour after food), or as directed by your physician.
B12 is an essential B vitamin that your body cannot produce. It plays a role in just about everything. B12 is important for red blood cell formation, DNA synthesis, energy production, memory and prevention of heart disease. Many people are deficient in this nutrient. Deficiencies are likely to occur in individuals who are elderly, who don’t eat meat, have low stomach acid, have an MTHFR mutation, take Metformin or have bacterial overgrowth.
Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms:
How to best increase vitamin B12 levels:
Vitamin B12 is found in animal products such as fish, meat, poultry and eggs. However, if you are deficient or have an issue with absorption then a supplement is often necessary. Choose an activated B complex vitamin to support your needs. Take 1 capsule daily with food, or as directed by your physician.
Vitamin A is an essential fat-soluble vitamin. It is needed to support healthy eye sight, cell membranes, skin, and other tissues. Vitamin A is often thought of as an immune vitamin. It is needed for wound healing, regulation of immunity and lowering inflammation. It is also essential to healing leaky gut syndrome and protecting the gut lining. Many individuals have low to deficient levels of vitamin A due to either an inadequate intake, fat malabsorption issues, liver disorders, infection or chronic stress.
Vitamin A deficiency symptoms:
How to best increase vitamin A levels:
Organ meats are a top source for providing a highly absorbable form of vitamin A called retinol. If you are deficient in vitamin A, a supplement would be worthy. Check out our Liquid A. Take 1 drop daily with food or as directed by your physician.
Every cell in the body depends upon potassium to function. Potassium helps the nerves, heart and muscles work properly. It is a key nutrient to preventing heart attacks, heart arrhythmias and strokes. Yet due to the Standard American Diet, the great majority of Americans have a potassium-deficient diet. In fact, Americans are consuming an inadequate plant food intake and the result is that less than 2% of Americans meet the minimum potassium requirements. This has a major effect on health.
Potassium deficiency symptoms include:
How to best increase potassium levels:
Start to eat a healthy, Paleo diet (if you’re not doing so already). The Paleo diet is rich in foods that are naturally high in potassium. If you are deficient in potassium or are experiencing any potassium-related health condition, then it would be best to supplement. We recommend our Potassium Boost. Take 1 teaspoon daily mixed in water, or as directed by your physician.
The best way to prevent nutrient deficiencies is to eat an organic Paleo diet, check your micronutrient levels regularly and take supplements as needed to support proper micronutrient level needs. This will help to heal and prevent chronic diseases.
If you suspect you have a deficiency, then get your blood tested to determine a.) if you’re deficient in any nutrients and b.) to what degree you are deficient in nutrients. If you know you’re at an increased risk for a deficiency, then you may benefit from supplementing.
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