Cesium and Your Heart

There are things that belong in your body and things that don’t. We need calcium, magnesium, potassium and more. We don’t need toxic elements like lead, arsenic, aluminum, cadmium and mercury. And we do not need cesium.

Recently, I consulted on a patient with atrial fibrillation. After seeing the standard medical doctors for his condition, this patient wanted to find out WHY he has AFIB.

We ran a lot of tests and came up with lots of problems.

One of which was high levels of cesium in his urine. Now it is time to fix this person.

What is cesium?

Cesium is a naturally-occurring element found in rocks, soil and dust at low concentrations. It is far down on the Periodic Table, but don’t mistake its rank for lack of danger.

Cesium can cause health problems. Name the health condition and cesium, like other toxic elements, can be a cause.

Cesium can be absorbed after oral ingestion, upon breathing contaminated air and through contact with the skin. Cesium is readily absorbed across the brush border of the intestines in a manner similar to potassium and most is eventually excreted through the urine and feces.

Target organs of cesium toxicity are the liver, intestine, heart, and kidneys.

There are plenty of ways cesium can impact heart health including ventricular arrhythmias and leading to lipid abnormalities. Cesium interferes with potassium channels and this is the likely major mechanism of rhythm issues. Cesium may modify plasma membrane integrity, alter cytoplasmic components and cause cell damage.

Cesium can have significant effects on both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Cesium may cause epileptic seizures because it can share the same receptor as the inhibitory neurotransmitter amino acid glycine.

Cesium exposure: 

Like any other element, cesium can be found in air, water, and soil. Your food and water supply may have excess cesium. Chernobyl was a large source of exposure to thousands.

Cesium is not used extensively in industry but some uses are in the production of photoelectric cells, vacuum tubes, spectrographic instruments, scintillation counters and various optical and detecting devices. In biochemistry, cesium chloride is used to extract DNA from cells.

For a comprehensive review on cesium, check out this 306 page document.

Medical Uses:

The isotope 137 Cesium is used in radiation therapy for certain types of cancer.

Other medical uses of Cesium are monitoring left ventricular function with 137 Cesium iodide probes and monitoring pulmonary (lung) endothelial permeability with 137 Cesium iodide crystal mini-detectors.

Get tested

There are 3 different ways to assess body metal status: blood, hair, and urine. All have validity and use. We prefer urinary testing at this time. The test can be unprovoked or provoked using a chelating protocol. Feel free to hop on a call with a Wolfson health coach or order the urine metals test as part of a 3 test combo.

Additional testing includes looking at intracellular nutrients and supplementing the deficiencies. Order your test here.

Get the cesium out 

    1. Avoid exposure

      We know that there are 3 major sources of exposure- air, water and soil. So if you live in a polluted city, move. If you can’t move, surround yourself with quality air purification systems. Make sure you drink filtered water. For our latest water recommendations, check out thedrswolfson.com/water. Eat organic food- always. We recommend organic, Paleo nutrition.

    2. Upgrade your detox mechanisms

      So anything that upgrades glutathione is a good start. Read about ways to boost glutathione here. You also want to get on products to pull cesium and other toxic elements from the body. We love this detox product combined with our Daily Defense function shake mix. Good things will happen.

Countering the effects of cesium 

Since we know that cesium can interfere with potassium function, checking potassium levels and taking potassium supplements seems like a great approach.

Try out our Potassium Boost. One scoop 1-2x per day should be all you need.

Magnesium is also proven to combat the effects of cesium (and other metals). Our recommended product is Magne 5 combining five different magnesium compounds. Starting with 2 caps at bedtime, you can advance as needed. 2-4 caps is perfect for most people.

Here to Help 

Unfortunately, staying healthy in a toxic world is not easy.

But we are here to help.

Schedule a free health coaching call with someone on our team.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Talk soon.

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