Science + Research

for Healthy Living Naturally

Month: May 2019

Is Crossfit Good for Heart Health

For years, we have evidence that physical activity is associated with decreased morbidity and mortality from cardiometabolic disease. Not that we need...

Is Fruit Bad for You?

Imagine yourself 10,000 years ago, living the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. You didn’t have a lot to worry about back then, except for finding food and...

Top 10 Sources of Canned (BPA-free) Seafood

Wild-caught seafood is one of the healthiest foods there is. We love wild-caught salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring and oysters. When sourcing seafoo...

Boost Your Heart Health with Vitamin E

Vitamin E has been touted as a supplement critical to health. Learn the amazing health benefits including decreased heart disease, dementia, cancer, a...

Is There a Holistic Cardiologist Near Me?

We get emails asking this question often. They start off with how the person wants to see me, but travel is difficult or there are concerns about expe...

7 Warning Signs that You Need a Magnesium Supplement

Magnesium is a mineral that is needed for over 300 enzymatic processes in the body to ensure the body runs properly. It is a macro mineral meaning the...

10 Foods to Boost Nitric Oxide

Worried about heart disease? Just say NO! One of the most important molecules for blood vessel health is nitric oxide (NO). It is a major vasodilator,...

8 Health Benefits of Whey Protein for Your Heart and Your Waist

Whey protein is one of the best quality sources of protein you can get for optimal health and wellness. Studies have linked whey protein with a strong...

Could a Vitamin Deficiency Lead to Heart Failure (Thiamine vitamin B1)?

Vitamin B1 Thiamine (vitamin B1) is an essential dietary factor. Deficit causes polyneuritis in animals, development of cardiovascular and neurologic...

Measles Got You Running Scared?

Didn’t Vaccinate Your Kid and Now Running Scared? We get emails all the time from parents who didn’t vaccinate their kids and are worried about th...

9 Warning Signs You May Need a Vitamin C Supplement

Vitamin C is an important water-soluble vitamin needed for many functions in the body. It is required for making collagen protein, a vital component o...

Can Antibiotics Cause a Heart Attack

Antibiotics were intended to combat life-threatening infections and STD’s. Now, they are passed out by MD’s like candy and fed to sickly a...

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12 things in your home that damage your heart.

Discover 12 things in most homes that destroy your heart.

Learn of common household items that destroy your heart, and what you can do about it.