Two recent studies show what we’ve been saying all along – regular exercise can undo years of damage to people’s health caused by sittin...
Co-sleeping is the single most gratifying thing I have done as a father. There, I said it. You see, Heather did most of the work. She carried our babi...
The Functionality of Fermented Foods In case you haven’t heard, fermented food are all the rage. Many people are talking about how to get them into ...
Moringa: A Top Wellness Trend of 2018 and Way to Crank Up Breast Milk + A list of benefits and recipes for this superfood! Happy New Year! It’s ti...
You’re nursing your baby. And you’re bored. You crave some mental stimulation and reach for your cell phone, Ipad or laptop computer. I ge...
For millions of years, women gave birth at home whether a cave, igloo, teepee or house. Every animal delivers their baby in the place where they live....