Many people associate memory loss as something that happens to seniors. We even have the term, “senior moments,” to describe the condition.
Research shows however that memory loss can begin as early as your 20s, and it can continue as you age. Here’s some good news – there are simple steps you can take to prevent memory loss.
The National Academy of Sciences in a 2017 report says fitness may be your best defense against cognitive decline and dementia. A University of British Columbia study, reported by Harvard Medical School, found that regular exercise changes the brain to improve thinking skills and memory.
Strive to be active in all aspects of your daily life. Stand instead of sit. Take the stairs instead of the escalator. Get 30 minutes of brisk physical activity each day – walk, hike, run, swim, yoga, do body weight exercises and build muscle. Exercise increases the blood flow to your brain.
A small study done by UCLA, and reported by Science Daily, shows potential lifestyle changes that may prevent or reverse Alzheimer’s disease. The study is anecdotal, and one shouldn’t draw definitive conclusions from it. However, the study shows promise relating to memory loss, especially as it relates to Paleo foods. It shows that elimination of simple carbohydrates and gluten, along with eating increased amounts of vegetables, fruits and non-farmed fish, had profound impacts in reversing Alzheimer’s disease as part of a systems treatment approach. The study also found that adequate sleep, intermittent fasting, nutritional supplements, yoga and meditation to positively impact memory loss as part of a systems treatment approach.
A Journal of the American Geriatrics Society published study shows a Paleo eating plan of vegetables, fish, nuts, olives, avocado and coconut can significantly lower your risk of cognitive impairment.
Eat only organic foods. Non-organic foods are covered in pesticides that destroy your body. Conventional food is subject to genetic modification. Non-organic meats contain antibiotics and growth hormones. Stick to organic foods, and grass- fed, free range meats and wild seafood. Omega -3 from seafood is pure brain fuel.
The Atlantic published an interesting article about the chemical dangers in our daily lives that threaten our brains and contribute to memory loss. Leading scientists shared the health and economic impacts of toxic exposure to chemicals in our clothing, food, personal care products like deodorants, and even our furniture.
The Drs. Wolfson for quite some time have warned of the health dangers of toxic chemical exposures in our daily lives. Sleep on an organic mattress. Buy organic furniture. Use organic, natural personal care products. Here’s a list of natural personal care products we use in our home.
Blood vessels in your brain are damaged by high blood pressure. Even the Mayo Clinic recognizes the negative impacts of high blood pressure on brain function. Neurology published a study, cited by the US National Library of Medicine’s PubMed Journals, that showed women in their 40s with high blood pressure had a 73% increased risk of dementia when compared to those with normal blood pressure.
High blood pressure is a serious condition, and can lead to numerous medical complications. See your holistic physician for natural treatment options. See a Doctor of Chiropractic. The chiropractor is uniquely qualified to help lower blood pressure. Web MD cites a University of Chicago study that shows a specific chiropractic adjustment can significantly lower high blood pressure.
Finally, practice yoga and meditation. They were cited in a study mentioned earlier in this article as factors that can improve memory function. A big reason why is they both help alleviate stress, which is a prime cause of high blood pressure.
We’ve seen the benefits of vitamins and supplements in our patients for years.
With environmental toxins and soil depletion, it’s nearly impossible to get all the proper nutrients your body needs for good brain health from food alone.
That’s why it’s important you see your holistic physician for comprehensive blood testing. They’ll analyze the results and recommend quality nutritional supplements to support good memory and overall health.
Healthline does a pretty good job explaining the vitamin supplements that help boost memory and curb Alzheimer’s disease risk.
Most of these supplements are available in our online store.
The Foundation 5 is critical to brain health.
Check out our Brain Sustain and our NeuroActives.
Doing things in groups seems to help fight dementia and improve cognitive function.
In a study published in the American Journal of Public Health, researchers found that women who were involved with large social networks slashed their risks of dementia and prevented or delayed cognitive impairment.
Our ancestors have known this for some time. Social interactions keep our brains active and healthy.
For more information on this subject, see our natural treatment remedies for memory loss.
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