The truth is that healthy eating is both easy and complicated at the same time.
While many people know what to eat to be healthy, they may not always do it. Eating healthy can be just another hectic task to add to the “to-do” list in people’s busy lives. Additionally, food marketers and fad diets have complicated matters even more (i.e. the low-fat diet trend of the past), making it difficult for the average consumer to know what’s healthy and what is not.
The good news is that eating healthy can be simple and fun. It’s all about getting back to the basics and focusing on our the ancestral principles of the Paleo diet.
Follow these nutritious guidelines and you’ll eat healthier (and be healthier) every day.
This is why we love the Paleo diet. It is a plant-based way of eating. When vegetables become your main source of cellular (living) carbohydrates, and you omit processed carbs, your health changes for the better. Veggies are rich in disease-fighting and age-fighting antioxidants. They are also loaded with fiber, a key fuel source for your gut bacteria.
This is the best way to prevent chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. This is why the Paleo diet is so protective. It is because you get your carbohydrates from vegetables and this shifts the microbiome to be healthier and more diverse in bacteria.
It is only natural to go through periods of feasting and fasting. Our ancestors went through times without food and this was normal (and healthy). Big food companies have urged us to not go hungry and snack at all hours of the day. Yet, this is not healthy. In fact, it’s harmful. Eating more frequently spikes the hormone insulin, pushing the body into “food storage” mode. When we go for periods without food consumption, insulin levels drop, and stored fat can be burned off for fuel. This is the body’s natural way of regulating weight, boosting metabolism, and stimulating immune and cardiovascular health.
Adequate daily hydration affects everything you do, and everything your cells do. Your cells need proper amounts of hydration to perform their biochemical functions. Additionally, the water needs to be a good quality, mineral-rich water. Reverse osmosis water is considered “dead” water as there are no minerals added back in. In order for water to make its way into cells and hydrate them, there needs to be ample amounts of minerals. Minerals are key for proper hydration.
Our favorite water system is called Pristine Hydro. This water system takes water through ten advanced stages of filtration to remove even the most minuscule of contaminants, ensuring the highest purity. It then re-energizes it (by running it over stones) and re-mineralizes it. Get quality water you can feel good about drinking. Your health depends upon it.
Digestive enzymes are your key supplement to help you break down your food (digest) and assimilate (absorb) your nutrients into your cells, where they belong. Due to a host of conditions such as leaky gut syndrome, inflammation, low stomach acid, etc., many individuals struggle to fully reap the benefits of the food they consume.
If you think you have digestive issues, or may need digestive enzymes, we recommend 2-3 capsules of our Digest with each meal. If you’re wondering if you could benefit from digestive enzymes, you can also schedule a free, 20 minute health coaching consult here.
Sugar is the one ingredient that makes its way into just about every processed food and drink product there is. Excessive sugar intake is linked to most every chronic disease such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. This is another reason why we love the Paleo diet. It eliminates processed foods and refined sugar, which is a win-win for your health.
Omitting sugar from your diet is one of the simplest things you can do for your health, but also one of the most powerful things. Read your ingredient labels and choose whole, living foods. Go Paleo.
Incorporate more fatty fish into your daily diet. Quality fish should be a staple in many of the weekly meals you make. Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and herring are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fats are essential fats that must be obtained in the diet as the body cannot make them. Most individuals are not eating enough fish. For cardiovascular protection, we like to see patients eating wild-caught fatty fish a minimum of 4 times per week. Omega 3 fatty acids are responsible for lowering inflammation in cells and normalizing blood lipid levels as well as keeping arteries healthy and elastic.
If you are not a fish eater, it is strongly recommended to supplement. Take 2 caps daily of Omega DHA for a powerful omega 3 boost.
An easy (perhaps the easiest?) way to eat healthier is simply to cook more at home. The main reason for cooking more at home and meal prepping on your weekends is that you get to decide on your nourishment. It is fun to eat out, but even at the “healthiest” restaurants, you can’t always control what ingredients are used. Instead, try to think of cooking as creative nourishment and focus on more ways to nourish your body and your cells.
Another benefit to spending more time in the kitchen is that it is an act of self-care that empowers you and your relationship with eating. Focus on cooking nutritious meals that fill up your body and soul. Here are our top 20 heart-healthy meals you can meal prep on a Sunday. Happy cooking!
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