Niacin (vitamin B3) has been extensively studied and is the best available method to raise HDL. But just because the HDL number goes up, it does not n...
Dairy milk consumption in the United States is on the decline. The US Department of Agriculture says Americans are drinking 42% less milk now than in ...
We know you want to. We know you are trying. But the weight is not coming off. Try these simple hacks to shed that stubborn body fat. 1. Intermittent ...
A vaccine is designed to evoke an immune response against a certain virus or bacteria. At least that is what Big Pharma wants us to think. It is not t...
Hundreds of studies confirm the health benefits of fiber. These include lower risk of cancer, diabetes, heart attack, stroke and the ultimate benefit:...
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to eat that helped you maintain your ideal weight? And wouldn’t it be even better if I told you th...
For the immune system to function properly, it is imperative that babies are exposed to bacteria and viruses in utero and in infancy. Cancer is a dise...
Patients are always asking us what toxic-free products we use in our everyday living. We get so many requests we put together a list of what we use. W...
Does your heart feel like it is skipping or stopping? It could be from PVC’s. PVC’s are known as many things including PVCS, premature ven...
Does your heart feel like it is skipping or stopping? It could be from PAC’s. PAC’s are known as many things including PACS, premature atr...
As you age, it becomes easier to gain weight and harder to lose it. Age really does matter with regards to weight management, especially if you’...
Millions of people carry the diagnosis of congestive heart failure (CHF). This condition is also known as cardiomyopathy. Let’s discuss what it...