Watch Time: 2 minutes 11 seconds In this video cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson shares three things you can do to slash your risks for cardiovascular dis...
Watch time: 1 minute 34 seconds Dr. Jack shares three common foods most people eat that destroy their health. By watching this video you will learn: W...
Are you tired, gaining wait, have poor sleep or lack energy? If so, you are like millions around the world. But get ready for an incredible way to res...
They’re tasty, gluten-free, grain-free, dairy-free and refined sugar free too! We have gathered our favorite holiday, Paleo recipe finds to serv...
October 7, 1917 “The time will come – and it may not be far off – when quite different tendencies will come up at a congress like the one held i...
I am heartsick. Another young girl dies from something easily preventable. What did she die from? Her parents think it was a virus. The doctors say it...
Multivitamins have become popular supplements these days. In fact, they are very helpful at keeping you healthy and preventing chronic disease. On top...
Recommended Dietary Allowances, or RDA’s, as they are commonly referred to, are daily recommended nutrient requirements are guidelines set by t...
How long does it take for your multivitamin to start working? This is one of the top searched questions on most health websites. And for good reason! ...
We all want health and wellness. Most people who are sick would give anything to have their health back. Yet, most of us don’t have “anything.” ...
Have you ever wondered how safe the popular supplements you see on your grocery store shelves are? Have you read articles questioning the safety and v...
Do you have stomach issues? Heart problems? Excessive inflammation? Probiotics just might be the answer. We have more bacteria than cells in our bodie...