Stone fruit season is my favorite time of year for delicious ways to stay healthy. The choices are many and botanists argue about what constitutes a s...
Our nutritionist at The Drs. Wolfson, Ashley Swanson, prepared food plans for the summer by total calories for you to enjoy. Ashley created programs f...
Many people are shocked to hear a cardiologist say that a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) should be their primary care physician. That’s right̷...
There are new headlines continually coming out about the latest cancer-causing food. Lately, cancer seems to be linked to everything. With all of the ...
Most people know that beets are a nutritional powerhouse great for overall health. Most however don’t know that the green part of the beet, the ...
Watch time: 19 minutes 34 seconds Dr. Jack was recently interviewed for a podcast. The interviewer asked Dr. Jack about our position on vaccines and n...
Watch Time – 2 minutes I was recently interviewed on a podcast about the state of healthcare in the US today. Watch as I explain what I call the Sic...
NBC 12 News recently interview me about the relationship between the sun and skin cancer. They wanted to know if people living in a sunny state like A...
In this video, Dr. Jack Wolfson explains why this citrus must be a part of your daily diet: TRANSCRIPT: Are you concerned about cardiovascular disease...
Watch Time: 3 minutes 26 seconds I was recently interviewed on ABC 15 News in Phoenix about the safety of glitter sunscreens, and sunscreens in genera...
Watch Time: 3 minutes 13 seconds In this video, I share my five favorite foods that support healthy thyroid function. TRANSCRIPT: The thyroid and the ...
In this video, cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson shares his favorite organic breakfast alternative to eggs. He calls it the “Superfood Breakfast Salad.â...