Most people know that beets are a nutritional powerhouse great for overall health.
Most however don’t know that the green part of the beet, the beetroot green, is a flavorful, nutritional powerhouse as well.
Beetroot greens, or beet greens, are just that: the edible green, leafy tops of beets. When you’re trimming your beets, be sure to save these nutritious greens. In fact, they make great substitutes in recipes that call for many of your other green leafy vegetables such as collard greens, kale, swiss chard and spinach. You can eat them raw or steam, sauté and braise them; the options are endless.
Beetroot greens are loaded with vitamin A, C, K and even some key B vitamins like folate. They contain essential trace and major minerals including iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. They contain a wide array of phytonutrients, plant compounds that are essential for chronic disease prevention and have many positive health effects.
Specifically, they contain carotenoids, including the antioxidant and disease-fighting plant pigments: lutein and beta-carotene. They also contain an adequate amount of fiber, as well, to support satiety and control weight.
Benefits of beetroot greens include:
Additionally, beetroot greens help to support healthy blood lipid levels, normalize blood pressure, naturally thin the blood and can even improve athletic performance.
Check out this post on the health benefits of beetroot in powder form.
We think of beetroot greens as a SUPER-food.
The beetgreens hold a high nutritional value and help to protect the body. They are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, as well as plant protective compounds, like antioxidants and phytonutrients, to improve health and prevent against chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. Be sure to source organic beetroot greens to ensure they are pesticide and chemical free. Pesticides and chemicals harm your health and should always be avoided.
You can purchase organic beetroot greens at your local Farmer’s Market or in natural food stores like Whole Foods or Natural Grocers. You can also purchase online through various companies and co-op markets. If you are purchasing either beetroot greens or powder, be sure to source an organic product that is free from chemicals, is non-GMO and free from added sugar or artificial ingredients.
A beetroot green powder is a supplement that contains the beetroot greens in a quick and easy to use powdered form. If you’re purchasing a powder, be sure the beet powder is organic and contains beets AND the essential beetroot greens. When you get a powder with all of the beet components, you are getting all of the healthy nutrients of each. You can buy a high-quality, all organic beet and beet green powder, called Heart Beet, from The Drs. Wolfson.
Beetroot greens can be used readily in smoothies, salads, soups and even side dish vegetables. You can also use the beetgreen powder in recipes, as well. Beetroot greens have a bitter flavor profile, which makes them great for pairing with more savory dishes that contain things like olive oil, garlic, onions or other flavors.
Give it a try! Make a beetgreen salad, throw some into your favorite zucchini noodle pasta, create a beetgreen and egg frittata, add it to your morning juice/smoothie instead of spinach, try an ethnic beetgreen recipe like Moroccan beetgreens or make some baked beetgreen chips. If using the powder, throw it into shakes, juices or soups for a powerful nutrient delivery. Move over kale, there’s a new green in town!
Summary of information
For a one hour consultation with our certified nutritionist, Ashley Swanson, master’s in nutrition from Iowa State University, click here now.
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