What type of insurance do you have?
Any form of insurance is there for “just in case.” Car accident, burglary, disability, death, flood and sickness to name a few.
When it comes to health insurance, what plan are you on? Are you paying a ton, yet get none of the benefits?
Our family chose a HSA (health saving account) years ago. Why?
- We don’t go to doctors unless it’s an emergency.
- The doctors we DO go to are chiropractors and other natural doctors. We pay cash.
- We don’t take pharmaceuticals. Why pay for drug coverage?
- We have a deductible of 10K. The money we have saved over the years on premiums is way MORE than the 10K. In the case of catastrophe, I have the 10K saved up in my HSA.
- HSA contributions are up to $6900 for the family in 2018. You can put in all of it or none of it or in between. Tax deductible contribution.
- Direct the funds where YOU want them to go and the doctors YOU want to see.
Services covered in a HSA according to the IRS.
- Chiropractor services.
- Dental services.
- Diagnostic devices.
- Surgical expenses.
- Fertility treatments.
- Hearing aids.
- Home care costs.
- Laboratory tests.
- Long-term care costs.
- Prescription medications.
- Nursing services.
- Psychiatric care.
- Eye exams, glasses, and contact lenses.
- Medical devices such as crutches.
More investment info for HSA here.
Different states have different rules and plans. Check with an insurer in your state for options.