Bee pollen is a natural remedy used around the world for many ailments. In addition, it tastes great and the kids love it. My Paleo Fudge recipe uses plenty of bee pollen. Read more about the benefits of this “superfood.”
The pollen is made by honey bees to feed their young. It is loaded with proteins, amino acids, and vitamins. After all, honey bees grow on this stuff. In fact, bee pollen contains more amino acids than beef, eggs, or cheese.
Other nutrients include:
• Carotenoids (which convert to vitamin A)
• All the B vitamins
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin E
• Calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, silicon, sulphur and 59 other trace minerals
• Digestive enzymes
The bees work hard to make this stuff, and humans will reap the benefits.
Bee pollen contains plenty of rutin, an antioxidant that supports healthy blood vessels, circulation, and inflammation. Almost 5,000 references are in the medical literature about rutin.
Brain Booster! Bee Pollen is a great source of lecithin, a fat-like substance loaded with inositol and choline. Lecithin is a component of cell membranes and makes up over 25% of our brain by volume. Lecithin boosts brain function. It also helps us digest other fats in our diet.
Other things that bee pollen is reported to help include:
1) Energy
2) Skin health
3) Lung and breathing support
4) Treating allergies
5) Immune booster/anti-microbial
6) Fertility
7) Aphrodisiac
Start with a 1/4 teaspoon daily and advance as tolerated up to 1 tablespoon per day. We add it to various recipes including smoothies and treats for the kids.
*There are case reports of allergic reactions to bee pollen. Allergies can occur to any food or supplement, so beware.
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