Whether you get the news from TV or by surfing the web, you are likely to come across a new diet recommendation. To me, it seems like every day there is another opinion on what we should and should not be eating. Vegan, Paleo, Keto, Pegan (vegan Paleo), plant-based, on and on and on.
Plant-based seems to be the politically correct way to go, given all the recent movies and screen actors pushing the vegan agenda. Should we all become vegans?
And here comes Dr. Jack Wolfson again. Seemingly always on the other side of the mob.
This timeā¦I am talking about going CARNIVORE. At least for a week. Here is why you should eat plenty of seafood, meat (including the organs) and eggs.
Some other benefits of going Carnivore include the fact it is EASY and AFFORDABLE. Let me explain.
Cooking is fun, but it is a lot of effort. Preparing salads and other veggie dishes can be tedious. Yet grilling a burger or piece of salmon is super-simple. Just one or two ingredients. Or opening a can of sardines? Or boiling eggs? It does not get any easier.
Carnivore is also easy on the wallet. You can LIVE on a can of sardines, 4 eggs, and a chicken for dinner. That daily meal plan is about $12. Most people spend that much at Starbucks for breakfast!
If you know The Drs. Wolfson, you know that OUR carnivore is from ethically raised animals. Meat is free-range and grass-fed/grass-finished. Seafood is wild. Eggs are from pastured fowl. No GMO and preferably organic feed. We make zero exceptions to these rules in our life. Better for you, better for the animal, better for the planet. We get local beef but also order from Crowd Cow.
Nothing breaks food addictions like a cleanse. In this case, we call it a challenge. The 7-Day Carnivore Challenge. We have guided dozens of people through this program. We hold your hand. We get through this as a group.
To find out more about joining our next 7-Day Carnivore Challenge, head over to TheDrsWolfson.com/carnivore.
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