Let me share with you one of the most effective anti-oxidants you’ll find anywhere.
See, due to pesticide food, air/water/soil pollution, and an overall toxic environment oxidative stress is present in most of us. Oxidative stress leads to almost every disease you can think of, including the biggies like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, and stroke.
That’s why it’s important to act to relieve oxidative stress before it creates problems.
Anti-oxidants relieve the body of oxidative stress. Nature intended you to get anti-oxidants from food and water alone. However, due to food being less nutritious now than it was even 50 years ago, and water being polluted and filled with chemicals, you can’t get the right amounts of anti-oxidants from food alone. You must eat organic foods rich in anti-oxidants and take the right nutritional supplements.
There’s a hydrogen gas infused supplement that goes with the water you drink. When ingested it does some amazing things and may be the best anti-oxidant available.
Hydrogen (H2) is the first element on the periodic table. It is the lightest element and is easily found as a gas. Combined with oxygen, hydrogen forms water, the “soup of life”.
There are many health benefits to drinking hydrogen infused water. Here are 10 of them:
1000+ scientific articles suggest that H2 has therapeutic potential in over 170 different human and animal disease models, and essentially every organ of the human body- according to the Molecular Hydrogen Institute.
No matter how good the quality of the water you presently drink, or where it comes from, your health should benefit from adding a hydrogen supplement to your water.
Water purification systems alone do not do the trick. They purify water, but rarely do they make hydrogen and those that do need frequent maintenance. What works today, may not work tomorrow.
That’s why we take the hydrogen tablets from Rejuvenation. We thought so highly of this product, we added it to our select line of supplements. You can buy the Rejuvenation Hydrogen Tablets from us.
I add a tablet to a 16 oz. glass of water and drink it soon after. The longer you wait, the more hydrogen you lose. Usually one tablet per day is good for health maintenance, but up to four per day for those who are sick or highly inflamed.
I’ve seen lots of people gain great relief from oxidative stress and disease by using hydrogen tablets with water as an antioxidant. Dr. Heather and I use them every day and urge you to add them to your health routine.
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