When I made comments in January 2015 concerning the health of our children, one of the first to criticize me was a pediatrician. It is not a surprise that one whose entire career is spent injecting chemicals into children would oppose my views. After all, I stand for health, he practices in a world of sickness.
1) 1 in 68 have autism spectrum disorder
2) 1 in 6 have a developmental disability
3) 1 in 12 have asthma leading to 238 deaths in 2013
4) Hundreds die of cancer
5) 200,000 childhood diabetics
6) 700,000 ear tubes placed yearly
7) 25% are overweight or obese
8) 200,000 tonsillectomies
You see, my children were breastfed well past the age of three. They were born at home, without any meds, vitamin K shot, eye ointment, or vaccines. They have never taken an antibiotic or any other prescription drug, not even an OTC drug. They only eat organic food and are learning the ways to remain healthy. They do not use cancer-causing hand sanitizers. Our home does not have toxic Glade plug-ins, candles or poisonous odors from dryer sheets or fabric softener. We have taught them to be stewards of their body and of the environment.
This pediatrician sits in his office and all day long he writes prescriptions and follows an unproven vaccine schedule, all the while blowing off any side effects these poisons may cause. Sadly, he does not allow children in his practice whose parents have educated themselves on vaccine dangers. The good news is, unvaccinated children are healthy and do not need his services.
There is a drug for every child he sees. One for those with ADD and one for those with GERD and every other acronym his medical cronies make up. Dozens of antibiotics fill his brain and then the tummies of the poor children. So many allergies, so little time to write those prescriptions. After all, his office is lined with sick kids and parents who want the quick fix so they can get back to sleep, work, and their social life. Parents call about a fever, Tylenol is recommended, never mind that a fever is a beneficial immune response. Kid has a rash, give her some Benadryl. Child has a seizure from a vaccine, coincidence.
There are specialists in the pediatric realm who can save lives. This doctor is not one of them. He is only a pill-pusher. He is not about finding the cause. He claims vitamin supplements are worthless, apparently not having read the 1000’s of studies proving benefit. Almost certainly he denies any benefit of organic food and does not feel pesticides, GMO’s, and synthetic fertilizers pose any threat to children. He is a garden variety pill-pusher who assuredly loves the fast food freebies from drug reps.
This doctor should be scared. Parents are becoming informed. They realize that a breast-fed child, born at home, free from poisonous injections, will not need him. He creates sickness, we create wellness.
Parents should be scared because this doctor is well known for calling Child Protective Services on those who oppose his views. He files complaints to medical boards against those who disagree with his opinion.
Now the latest from this “medical policeman” is a call to the Whole Foods Corporation to pull the promotion of my book, The Paleo Cardiologist, The Natural Way to Heart Health. Meanwhile, my book is exactly what Whole Foods stands for. They sell organic food, natural lifestyle products, and lots and lots of vitamins. What he believes is quackery, Whole Foods sells as health.
Do you think this MD pill-pusher recommends his patients shop at Whole Foods, Sprouts, or Natural Grocers? How about local farmers markets? I doubt it. He is too busy trolling the internet to trash websites dedicated to healthcare freedom and natural wellness. He is too busy hounding doctors like me who believe that children do not need a vaccine against chicken pox or newborns against Hepatitis B.
1) CDC.gov
2) Diabetes.org
3) NYTimes.com
4) Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Jun;29(3):327-38.
5) http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/content/37/1/9.extract
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