Oral Contraceptives: Know The Risks

Doctors have known for many years about the increased risk of blood clots with birth control pills (BCP).

You would think science gets better and the risk of clots such as deep venous thrombosis (DVT) decreases with newer generations BCP’s. Actually, the story gets even worse. 4x worse according to a study in the latest issue of the prestigious British Medical Journal.

Women who use any oral contraceptive have a 300% increase in blood clots compared to women who do not use BCP’s. But the newer generation appears to double the risk compared to older BCP’s.

You may have seen ads by attorneys looking for new clients who used Yaz, Cyclessa, Yasmin, and others.

Older BCP’s increase blood clot risk by 200%, which means double the risk of a woman who is not taking anything.Blood clots including DVT’s can be life-threatening, especially if they break loose and lodge into the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism.

Overall, the risk of a blood clot is still fairly low, but an extra 14 per 10,000 per year is still very significant.

Ask your doctor what is right for you. Is the blood clot risk worth it to avoid a pregnancy? Are you taking the risk because of irregular or painful menses (hint…..change your diet and go Paleo, symptoms will improve tremendously).

Please keep in mind that there is no blood clot risk to condom use.

Source: Use of combined oral contraceptives and risk of venous thromboembolism
Vinogradova Y. BMJ 2015;350:h2135

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