When it comes to chronic breathing problems, asthma is at the top of the list. Airway inflammation causes a restriction in the breathing tubes. This in turn creates symptoms like wheezing and shortness of breath, among others.
When triggers come in contact with the airways of an asthmatic, inflammation fills the airways, and they become narrow and filled with mucus. This makes airway resistance increase and makes breathing more difficult. It also creates the symptoms associated with asthma.
Millions are affected by this condition. Billions of dollars are collected into Big Pharma coffers for drugs used to mask asthma symptoms. It should not be this way.
Children and adults were not born to get asthma. Something is causing the asthma, which means there is something to fix for a cure.
Asthma is caused by inadequate nutrition and environmental toxins. If you get proper nutrition while removing exposure to environmental toxins, you are well on your way to relief from asthma naturally, without inhalers or other medications. Keep reading for our action plan for relief from asthma.
Many things can trigger asthma, things like mold, pollen, dust mites, household chemicals, foods, air pollution, pets and more. These triggers can be fixed!
We would never recommend giving up your pet before trying everything else. Wash your dog with a natural shampoo and make sure you vacuum often all pet dander. In this post, we also discuss air purifiers. Get one immediately.
Some of the more common triggers for asthma include:
Tobacco smoke is an obvious trigger, to the smoker AND those around them. Second-hand smoke is horrible on so many levels, especially to children. E-cigarettes are likely not much better.
Here are some ideas to implement right away.
Look at our list of triggers of asthma. If you follow our program of natural remedies, you remove allergies, foods, heartburn, infection and medications from the list. That leaves smoking and exercise. If you smoke, shame on you. Through better diet, nutrition and lifestyle practices, exercise-induced asthma symptoms can become a thing of the past.
In addition to our Foundation 5, here are three supplements that the doctor ordered to help with asthma:
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