Hey, it’s Dr. Jack here. I want to talk to you today about why all men with cardiovascular issues need to be on a multivitamin.
As a board-certified cardiologist, I’ve seen the benefits and the value in using a multivitamin. You say you’re eating a good diet. Are you on an all organic, grass-fed, Paleo diet? Eating wild seafood? In a perfect environment? You’re obviously not.
Even the best foods and the best diets are deficient in certain nutrients and, because of our history, we’re deficient in certain nutrients because of the environment, the water, the air, the soil. Even the best foods are deficient and this is where our product comes in, or a high-quality multivitamin comes in.
I test people’s blood work on a daily basis. I look at their intra-cellular nutrients. Intracellular magnesium, potassium, copper, zinc, iron. We look for these levels and we find deficiencies in people all the time. People that are deficient in certain B vitamins, or vitamin C or A, D, E, K…on and on, we see all kinds of abnormalities.
Selenium is a tremendous detoxifier. A great source of that is Brazil nuts. But even still, once again, the soil is depleted, the water, the air, all the different problems. So, that’s where a multivitamin comes in.
A multivitamin is the foundation of a healthy supplements regimen.
I’ve seen so many people over the years that take different products. Maybe they take a vitamin C, maybe they take a magnesium, but you need that good base and foundation.
You want to find a product that contains all the nutrients you need but doesn’t have the fillers that you don’t need. So, classic things that we look for are any kind of artificial colors and flavors…that’s quite the obvious.
To me, a sign of a high-quality multivitamin is something that has methylcobalamin and methylfolate, which are two more expensive versions of vitamin B9 and B12. You look for a quality, healthy serving of vitamin K, specifically as vitamin K2. That’s what keeps the calcium in the bones and out of the arteries. A quality serving of magnesium and potassium.
But there are two things that I think are not necessary for men with cardiovascular disease. One would be iron. Two would be copper. Those are not necessary. People are not deficient in those. Typically, they have too much iron and copper so we don’t want to add that. Our multivitamin at The Drs. Wolfson does not contain that.
Over the years I’ve been very successful using our multivitamin with my patients. I take it personally. So does my wife. So do my two boys. None of us have cardiovascular disease, but we want to prevent it from forming.
So, until next time, make sure you are on a quality multivitamin. Cheers to health.
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