The list of problems associated with eating meals away from your house is a long one.
Unless you go into the kitchen of the restaurant (which we sometimes do), how can you be sure to know about food preparation or quality?
Most of you who are reading this post already know that organic is the best way to eat. Free-range, grass-fed meats and wild seafood are part of the ancestral diet.Unfortunately, millions of Americans are carelessly eating away from the house, a lifestyle linked to serious health consequences.
A recent study looked at students from the University of Singapore. 49% of males surveyed had pre-hypertension and 38% of all students ate more than 12 meals away from home. They more you ate away from home, the higher the risk of pre-hypertension (1). Pre-hypertension is usually defined as BP between 120-139 systolic and 80-89 diastolic. Most of these people progress to the hypertensive range, according to the Mayo Clinic (2). Hypertension is, of course, linked to stroke, heart attack, kidney disease, and death. That being said, hypertension is only a label. It is a sign that something is a matter in the body.
A cascade of events happens from sodium retention to release of angiotensinogen which eventually gets converted to angiotensin II. This stimulates inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. This culminates in high blood pressure.
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