Castor oil is an oil made from castor “beans”, which are not beans, but actually the seeds of the plant ricinus communis. The health properties arise from a compound in the seeds known as ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid that is stimulatory and anti-inflammatory.
This remedy has long been used by holistic practitioners. Castor oil can be taken orally in minimal amounts or used for castor oil packs.
You place a castor oil pack (basically a cloth soaked in castor oil) on your skin (area you want to treat) for at least one hour to stimulate liver function, lymphatic movement and other processes in the body. Interestingly, many individuals notice immediate improvements upon doing this detox method.
Castor oil has been shown to increase blood flow. When castor oil is absorbed through the skin, there is an increase in blood circulation, which is cardioprotective.
It has been shown that castor oil increases production of T cell lymphocytes, which boosts the immune system and lymphatic health overall. Lymphocytes are the body’s natural defense cells that fight disease.
Increased lymphocyte production helps to drain the body of toxins. Additionally, improvement to liver function aids in increasing detoxification mechanisms in the body. In this way, castor oil supports the body’s natural detoxification abilities.
Castor oil is highly anti-inflammatory. The ricinoleic fatty acid molecule in castor oil is responsible for many of the inflammation-lowering effects of castor oil packs.
For liver detoxification, place the castor oil pack on your liver (directly under your right rib cage). Regularly applying castor oil packs near your liver aids in the detoxification of toxins from the body by promoting optimal gastrointestinal health and also by stimulating liver function.
Castor oil can be taken orally and acts as a stimulatory laxative. It can also help improve the process of digestion when using as a heated castor oil pack. Place the castor oil pack on the abdomen to help relieve symptoms of constipation.
Castor oil is highly anti-inflammatory and can help to treat joint pain from arthritis and other conditions.
You can either make your own or purchase a simple, pre-made castor oil pack kit.
What you’ll need:
–Quality castor oil (organic, hexane-free)
-Dye-free wool, cotton or organic flannel fabric
-Plastic wrap
-Large mason jar
-Old sheets to lay on for application purposes
Inflammation is linked to heart attacks, stroke, atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure and more. Castor oil packs can help in these cardiac conditions by helping the liver detoxify and lower inflammation. Oral castor oil can reduce cholesterol levels. We think it can have the same effect by skin application.
I have used this remedy on my patients safely and effectively for years.
Give it a try!
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