Unless you have been living inside a McDonald’s, you have likely heard that garlic is one of most healthy foods on the planet. Our ancestors have known this for an eternity. Join us as we discover more about this superfood.
Garlic is a plant often referred to as the “stinking rose”. This is for a good reason, but if you can handle the odor, garlic is one heck of a beneficial food and amazing as a nutritional supplement.I find that the healthier one eats, the less of an odor garlic creates. That being said, it is good for your companion to load up on the garlic too. That way, you both smell.
Many cultures throughout history have used garlic in cooking, recognizing its health value. Today, garlic gives great flavor to many dishes, but it can also be found in supplement form, providing medicinal value. I add garlic to just about everything. I use it fresh, bottled or in the powder form.
Allicin is the compound to thank for garlic’s medicinal properties. Allicin contains sulfur which is critical for cellular detoxification and chemical removal. It is absorbed well then quickly metabolized to benefit the cardiovascular system and the rest of the body.
Not sure how to get a regular dose of garlic? This isn’t rocket science.
Try garlic for the multitude of health benefits. At the very least, it wards off vampires (source not found).
Garlic: A review of potential therapeutic effects. Bayan L. et al. Avicenna J Phytomed. 2014. Jan-Feb; 1-14.
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. VOL. 14, 2013 Issue 7. 4131-34
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