It is often been said that a healthy gut is the key to a healthy body. Given the fact that 70% of our immune system resides in our gut, it is easy to see how a sickly gut can impact our health.
Just to be clear, the gut refers to the long tube running from mouth to anus and everything in between. The liver, gall bladder, and pancreas are part of the gut anatomy, often referred to as the gastrointestinal tract or GI tract.
Sadly, poor food choices and environmental pollutants damage our gut leading to disease. Eating organic Paleo food, getting sleep, avoiding stress and getting sunshine are critical to gut health.
Many other factors lead to a healthy gut, none more important than probiotics.
Probiotics help with digestion, vitamin synthesis, detoxification of chemicals, and production of beneficial proteins. Read on to learn what probiotics are and why you NEED them.
Probiotics are living micro-organisms (typically bacteria) that benefit the host (us) when given in adequate amounts.
They can be found in many foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha. They can be found in milk, cheese and other dairy products unless they have been pasteurized. Fermented soy foods like miso, tempeh and natto also contain live bacteria and cultures from around the world have enjoyed these foods for thousands of years.
Probiotics are in our soil and have a symbiotic relationship with plants. These good bacteria are all over food as it grows. When we wanted a carrot or beet, we pulled them from the ground and ate them, dirt and all.
Times have changed.
Sadly, the bacteria are killed off in the processing. After food is picked, it is washed. The water contains fluoride, chlorine, and even antibiotics. This is done before it even hits your house. The grocery store keeps the produce “fresh”, typically with toxic water. Finally, we take the food home for yet another rinse.
As you can see, the good bacteria are long gone by the time the food hits your mouth.
We need to supplement with probiotics. That is why we developed Heart Helpers, specifically formulated for heart health, yet dozens of other benefits as well.
Let’s just talk about ONE of the 10 different strains in Heart Helpers.
Lactobacillus acidophilus is one of the good guys. It is a probiotic bacterium found in your gut and does some pretty impressive things for your health.
Usually, Lactobacillus acidophilus is referred to as L. acidophilus or just plain acidophilus. The lacto part identifies that it produces lactase to breakdown milk sugar lactose.
Even if you do not consume dairy, you need this probiotic because….
As you can see, this bacterium does some amazing things. We love L. acidophilus so much, we decided to include it in our TEN-strain Heart Helpers probiotic.
One cap per day is all most people need. Take with or without food.
No need to refrigerate. Heart Helpers is in a protective foil blister pack.
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