25 Evidence Based Heart Health Tips
- Eat Paleo. Follow the wisdom of our ancestors who ate hunter-gatherer foods. They did not have heart attacks, strokes, or cancer. Studies show that Paleo trumps the American Diabetes Association Diet and The Mediterranean Diet.
- Drink plenty of water. So many people are dehydrated. Healthy gut function is dependent on quality water intake. Mineral water lowers blood pressure in hypertensives. Water can even improve the lipid profile.
- Get sleep. This may be the most important way to stay healthy. Sleep is the time when our body repairs and recovers. Lack of sleep increases your risk of everything including heart attacks and strokes.
- Avoid plastic. The chemicals in plastic leach into liquids and food. They are linked to cancer, heart disease and hormone disruption. Drink out of glass.
- Stay active. Like our Paleo ancestors before us, walk, run, hike, and lift. High intensity, short duration is the best way. Long endurance exercise may INCREASE risk of coronary disease.
- Stand. Sitting is said to be the new smoking. Stop sitting. Stand while on the phone.
- Relax. Meditation has plenty of heart benefits including lower blood pressure. Take a few minutes to unplug.
- Do yoga and reap the health benefits. Yoga lowers blood pressure and reduces atrial fibrillation.
- Build muscle. Increasing muscle mass burns calories and normalizes blood pressure.
- Drink your greens. Great way to start off the day with a boost of antioxidants. Greens drinks lower inflammation.
- Fish oil for heart and brain health. The higher the blood level of omega-3, the lower the risk of heart attacks and death.
- Probiotics are the key to a healthy gut. A healthy gut prevents disease. Probiotics lower LDL particles and raise HDL.
- Digestive enzymes are deficient in many people. Digesting your food is crucial to nutrient absorption. Digestive enzymes can reduce heartburn symptoms, a type of chest pain that can be confused with cardiac pain.
- Caffeine can be a problem. If you have digestive issues, hypertension, anxiety, or palpitations, you may want to kick the habit.
- Get tested. You are taking the supplements, don’t you want to know if they are working? Tests help to identify areas of nutrient deficiency and excess.
- Avoid unnecessary tests. Doctors love to order expensive tests like CT scans. But they are full of radiation and are dangerous, likely causing heart disease and cancer. If you have chest pain, a plain treadmill stress test is all you need. Skip the nuclear radiation.
- The truth about pharmaceuticals is that they are lousy at preventing disease. Nutrition, lifestyle, chiropractic care, and supplements truly prevent disease.
- Daily multivitamins are proven to work. Take a quality one. They lower the risk of heart disease and cancer.
- See your chiropractor. Chiropractic normalizes blood pressure and controls heart rhythm in addition to countless other benefits.
- Air pollution kills and is linked to heart attacks, strokes, and, of course, lung disease. Detoxify your body.
- Heavy metals such as aluminum, cadmium, mercury, and lead cause heart disease. Avoid sources of metal exposure, starting with metal amalgams and cookware. Vaccines contain aluminum and mercury.
- Environmental pollutants from laundry detergents to perfume are linked to heart problems. Use natural products.
- Alcohol may taste good but limit your consumption. Alcohol can raise blood pressure and is linked to the dangerous heart rhythm, atrial fibrillation. Also, your brain and liver will thank you.
- Detach from electronics, especially at night. Get the cell phone out of your bedroom. Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) can interfere with heart rhythm.
- Stress kills. Get it out of your life. Control anger, anxiety, and depression. All are linked to heart attacks and stroke.
Filed Under: Natural Home & Lifestyle
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